Women In Chiropractic Have Stories to Share
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Disclaimer: The following is an actual transcript. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors. We suggest you watch the video while reading the transcript.
Click here to download the transcript.
Disclaimer: The following is an actual transcript. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors. We suggest you watch the video while reading the transcript.
Click here to download the transcript.
Disclaimer: The following is an actual transcript. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors. We suggest you watch the video while reading the transcript.
Hi, this is...
Click here to download the transcript.
Disclaimer: The following is an actual transcript. We do our best to make sure the transcript is as accurate as possible, however, it may contain spelling or grammatical errors. We suggest you watch the video while reading the transcript.
Ladies, let me tell you something about the members of the LCW: THEY SHOW UP!! Everyday and in a myriad of ways, these women show up. This month, I want to share my very personal experiences with the support and love from the LCW.
Since joining the LCW in 2014 while living...
Connect. Empower. Thrive. If you have visited our web page www.lcwomen.com you will have seen these words in big bold letters because they are at the heart of what the LCW is all about. In the last newsletter, the LCW Board Retreat happenings were shared and how the word connection kept coming up...
Grace and Space. Two words that have become my personal mantra for me this past year. We have all felt the effects of this unprecedented time. Covid, politics, extreme weather events and a myriad of other issues have made our daily life more stressful. Finding grace and space...
Connection. A buzzword to be sure, however, it is a buzzword with meaning behind it. The LCW Board recently met and this word has been circling in my brain ever since. For me, the word connection embodies what the LCW is all about; our desire to be connected and chiropractic is...
I LOVE Chiropractic. I believe those of us in this organization all LOVE chiropractic: We feel that love and passion in our DNA. Through the years, at times I have felt that love and passion had nowhere to go beyond schooling and practice life. Sure, I did my best to channel that into my studies...
At the League of Chiropractic Women, our core focus was to open a united environment for women in all walks of Chiropractic. We aim to capture value and become inspired to do bigger, greater things for you through Chiropractic. We hope to strengthen the relationship together by gaining a...