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Empowering Women in Chiropractic - Have You Established Your Family Care Outreach?

about lcw chirosecure lcw practice growth Jun 20, 2024

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Welcome, ChiroSecure family. It is so nice to be with you. And this is ChiroSecure. This is a very important topic, and it's a topic that while you're enjoying a lot of summer and sunshine, you're going to be around a lot of family. Maybe it's a picnic, maybe it's a long hike with family and friends coming over.

The one thing I want you to start recognizing is Think about all ages that you're around, and that's why this topic is so important for you to consider. It's really getting your entire clinic to look at how are you establishing your family care outreach. So it's a nice conversation that you can have with so many of your staff members.

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And also while you're out having fun this summer season, this will be very helpful for you. As ChiroSecure is one of our very special sponsors and we have many that come with us. Looking at this sheet tells you the grateful opportunities that these sponsors give to us so we can do more and make greater progress together.

As we move through family care, infographics and posters are really key. Making sure you have your walls, creating a live educational moment for them. When they come into the same room, maybe they're going through a chronic treatment and it's three times a week for a few weeks, or someone who comes in just once a month, you want them to see a different message.

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And this one is really important. Chiropractic care is for everyone. These posters can be put into the back of one of your frames and you can label them. You could do 12 posters in one frame and just switch them out once a month. Chiropractic care is for all ages. We go with one of the pieces over to the right, the infographic that really reports the statistical significance of the research across many aspects of infant behavior.

Many people will not know that chiropractic has research that shows improved feeding, sleep, excessive crying pain can be alleviated, and what mother does not want that, and issues with sleep positions. So I want you to just really recognize that your patients are looking for ways to increase their health, their family's health and even the ones that extended family to be able to look at chiropractic and how it will impact their lives.

Having pieces in your office that will showcase an everyday, every stage of life kind of moment is really critical. Now you see on the screen, our new ebook, Women's Health, and it was released during June 8th, which is Chiropractic Women's Month, and we thought it would be appropriate to sorry, Chiropractic Women's Day to showcase the stages of life women go through.

And as we celebrate this, look, there's a link right there. Now, if you do text to your patients and they potentially opt in to get educational pieces from you, not very often, cause we don't want to inundate our patients, but wouldn't this be a nice text ebook to get to your patients and look at how it's going to educate their families and the ones that they love.

This commercial opportunity is available for everyone. If you're a foundation member, then you have the ability to look at these and you'll see it's on our YouTube. You can place these on your website and in your office. If you're streaming video, these are nice because it really brings up optimizing your healthcare with your family.

with older adults, and then pregnancy. So look at those, contemplate how you can use them. Maybe you put them on your Facebook, or you desire to put them on your website. They're fun, they're easy to translate, and the more people that know about family care, the better we're going to be. Now, there also is a customizable PowerPoint and this is building a, maintaining a family practice and this is where you sit down with your office staff.

Maybe it's Friday and you want to put together some time just to talk about your office. What is the ideal patient? Do you love family care? Would you like to increase that ability to see the whole family? I found it extremely rewarding to see the little babies come in and then graduate from high school.

And it does wonders for your soul. And the grandparents, everybody starts talking about their family and you're part of the family. So take this PowerPoint building and maintaining a family practice and go over with your staff. You'll be amazed on the conversations that you're going to have and the number of patients that are going to come in your door.

There is opportunity for us to sharpen our saw every single day and I can't think of a better way to do that than to go to this webinar. It's Thursday, June 20th. Now listen, Dr. Elyse Hewitt has been masterful in her ability to advance the pediatric care for chiropractic, and she's going to be talking about cutting edge research and knowledge.

This is not going to be like any just webinar you've been to. This is going to be me asking really tough questions to her and bringing in the research and bringing in why this is so important for our future of chiropractic to get the opportunity. To reach not only the families, but also talk to health care providers in your neighborhood about what's out there.

The more they know, the better they're able to send to your office. And that's why we want you to be able to use your social media channels, the infographics that we have here, And there's a plethora of them. Maybe it's talking about chiropractic care for the puberty teenagers that are coming into your practice that may have some questions.

Maybe it's maybe they're suffering from Oscar slaughters. You need to be able to have those conversations with them, little teeny babies coming in. Those are the best. And then obviously, pregnancy and seniors, conversations galore, but the social media cover photo. Should change for you on your Facebook.

If this is your clinic Facebook, why don't you put in June, choose chiropractic for the family? It's gonna stimulate conversation and sometimes we just forget we've got busy lives and we don't think oh I'm injured. I'm the mother, but we don't think about our young student who's heading into the summer camps and they're gonna be playing a lot of soccer.

Maybe that's the time to get the examination right before they leave. Blog posts. You want to put information out that's relevant and important to this month. So we did that for you using the American Pregnancy Association's information. You have a blog post here that's going to talk about chiropractic in different ways.

Copy, paste and share with your friends and your community on social media. We try to make it as easy as possible for you and chiropractic care is for all ages. We know that the research is supporting that in the increased utilization is also showing us. Satisfaction. So keep yourself well aware, but be prepared.

And in order to be prepared, you need to have a roadmap. And why not use our roadmap? It's very helpful, week by week, showcasing all the things that you can do. and your staff. Look, I know you're busy putting your hands on patients, but please have your staff work with you. But you can't just set it to them because you want to be really on top of it.

Cause when something comes in your door and they said they saw it on Facebook you need to be aware of what they saw and what is the information on there. That's why we put together the marketing guide. It is a resource for your office. It's an opportunity and. a responsibility. If they're posting on the social media channels, you don't want to put your office at risk and you want to know what's going out.

Is it research based? Is it quality? Do you look good when you do it? Do you understand the research that they're putting out? Because this marketing guide really helps you see what are the search engine optimization words? How do I maximize reaching my audience? What are best times to post? All those things are very important.

And that's why the F4CP really likes to do our own updates and we do it with a different way on a multiple platform social media channels, because we know that you're busy and we want you to be with us. Multiple channels, TV. We just did a recent segment last month during Posture Awareness Month, and that's a time where I could advertise for the entire profession.

We were at Contra Valley and we talked about the importance and the tips for good posture. And I want you to remember posture is an evergreen. topic. Everybody wants to know more about it, how it impacts their life, and why chiropractic is so important in this topic. Now, if you think about it, whether a healthcare provider will take the time to do a postural analysis, Not very many.

Therefore, you are the expert and the information you provide will help them be better. Because listen, the Harris Poll showed 67 percent of our youth age 12 to 18 are suffering infrequently with neck pain. And we have a responsibility to increase the awareness of poor posture and getting them into our office for a posture exam.

So that was a pleasure to do. And we got every doctor that is in our directory, a hit on that TV segment. So if you're not in our, find a doctor directory they're not coming to you. Now, 8 million people. a month go to everyday health. I provided this for you because we are an expert provider of neck and shoulder pain, and we are also an expert contributor.

So this was this month. So I want you to bring it up, share it with your patients. It's on my LinkedIn channel. If you're not LinkedIn with me, please do, because you can share anything and everything. I'm here for you. That is the job the foundation is to be able to promote you. And what better way than to show this article on everyday health, because we're in it and it showcases chiropractic and it does it in a really interesting way because there's an orthopedic surgeon there from Mercy in Baltimore.

There is a rehabilitation specialist from Columbia University. And then there's the Foundation for Chiropractic Progress showcasing that chiropractic care is in fact a very important option for patients with neck and shoulder pain. So pick it up, share it with your friends and family, share it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

The more we share, the more we care. And speaking of sharing, we had a fantastic run in season seven and our outcast, our final episode will be coming out very soon. So season seven has a lot of great guests. It talks about chiropractic in a fun, relatable way. Make sure your friends, your family, and yourself get involved.

are downloading a few episodes. I know you're going to go on a long walk, maybe some beach time. Listen to your podcast. It's adjusted reality trusted by the adjusted. As we go through, you'll see that this series season seven is really powerful because it hits all different areas. in a person's life, but it also brings it back to chiropractic and that's why we want our patients and our friends and family to start thinking more about why chiropractic is so important in their lives.

As we discussed last month, I want to remind you that we are an industry standard opportunity for awards. The better we do in awards and presentations the more people recognize that we have a sterling silver reputation. And to do that, we need to be with the big dogs. Some of the big dogs that win.

Listen, we got a telly award for our Olympic commercial. Disney got awarded a gold telly last month. So I want you to recognize where we are and why we get these awards. It's because we're pushing the envelope. Chiropractic, as Has to be bigger, better, bolder, and more beautiful because we've been discriminated against.

And that means we have to be above the fray. We have to constantly be almost untouchable. So progress is made. When we all work together, we unite and we showcase the expertise that we do in a very well documented, very well laid out piece. Now we're heading in next month to the Calgary Stampede.

That is right. Eight seconds of pure adrenaline. And as I said recently, This g force that a bull rider gets is more than a fighter pilot in that eight seconds. So why would you not want a chiropractor? So we're going to get that commercial b roll all filmed up and ready to go. And we'll hope also have some live segments on TV, maybe nationally, that we'd love to share with you.

So make sure you're on our Facebook page because we have a wild ride ahead. I want to remind you, we'll be going to the leading Stampede, Calgary Stampede. It's the world's most famous rodeo. It is so famous it's invitation only. So you cannot just win your heat. You have to be invited. It's an elite like the Olympics and I'll tell you, follow the fun with us.

So thank you so much. I know June is a lot of fun. Have some vitamin D. Get some fresh air. Enjoy the beach. Enjoy your family. Relax. But remember, family care is for everyone. I want to thank everyone for listening today. And I look forward to bringing you more as we get closer to the stampede. Isn't it time you join the most powerful team of successful doctors in chiropractic and go for the gold?

Simply go to www. f4cp. org slash package and get your customized practice success solution.


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